2024  2

April  1

A Deep Dive Into Terraform Static Code Analysis Tools: Features and Comparisons

April 16, 2024 · Serhii Vasylenko

January  1

Mastering AWS API Gateway V2 HTTP and AWS Lambda With Terraform

January 9, 2024 · Serhii Vasylenko

2023  1

April  1

Hello Terraform Data; Goodbye Null Resource

April 16, 2023 · Serhii Vasylenko

2022  5

July  1

Five Practical Ways To Get The Verified EC2 AMI

July 24, 2022 · Serhii Vasylenko

June  1

Golden Image Pipelines With HCP Packer

June 26, 2022 · Serhii Vasylenko

May  1

New Lifecycle Options and Refactoring Capabilities in Terraform 1.1 and 1.2

May 4, 2022 · Serhii Vasylenko

January  2

Monterey Shortcuts for Easy and Fast Image Processing

January 31, 2022 · Serhii Vasylenko

Some Techniques to Enhance Your Terraform Proficiency

January 16, 2022 · Serhii Vasylenko

2021  10

November  2

Guide to Using Terraform in CI/CD

November 24, 2021 · Serhii Vasylenko

Apply Cloudfront Security Headers With Terraform

November 5, 2021 · Serhii Vasylenko

October  1

Auto Scaling Group for your macOS EC2 Instances fleet

October 24, 2021 · Serhii Vasylenko

September  1

AWS Resource Access Manager — Multi Account Resource Governance

September 25, 2021 · Serhii Vasylenko

May  2

Run Ansible playbook on Mac EC2 Instances fleet with AWS Systems Manager

May 27, 2021 · Serhii Vasylenko

Configure HTTP Security headers with CloudFront Functions

May 21, 2021 · Serhii Vasylenko

February  2

Using TinyPNG Image Compression From MacOS Finder Contextual Menu

February 14, 2021 · Serhii Vasylenko

Customizing mac1.metal EC2 AMI — new guts, more glory

February 1, 2021 · Serhii Vasylenko

January  2

Terraforming mac1.metal at AWS

January 20, 2021 · Serhii Vasylenko

mac1.metal and mac2.metal EC2 Instances — user experience

January 19, 2021 · Serhii Vasylenko

2020  9

December  1

AWS CloudShell

December 16, 2020 · Serhii Vasylenko

September  3

Terraform Workflow — Working Individually and in a Team

September 16, 2020 · Serhii Vasylenko

Terraform Certification Tips

September 15, 2020 · Serhii Vasylenko

What are Terraform Modules and how do they work?

September 9, 2020 · Serhii Vasylenko

August  2

Terraform CLI shortcuts

August 25, 2020 · Serhii Vasylenko

Manage Ansible playbook secrets with AWS services

August 6, 2020 · Serhii Vasylenko

May  1

Terraform explained in English

May 2, 2020 · Serhii Vasylenko

March  2

Github Actions - First impression

March 18, 2020 · Serhii Vasylenko

AWS SAA exam results

March 15, 2020 · Serhii Vasylenko