It’s been almost a year since I started using macOS EC2 instances on AWS: there were ups and downs in service offerings and a lot of discoveries with macOS AMI build automation.
And I like this small but so helpful update to the offerings list of the EC2 service: with mac1.metal instances, seamless integration of Apple-oriented CI/CD with other AWS infrastructure could finally happen.
But while management of a single mac1.metal node (or a tiny number of ones) is not a big deal (especially when Dedicated Host support was added to Terraform provider), governing the fleet of instances is still complicated.
Or it has been complicated until recent days.
With a growing number of instances, the following challenges arise:
- Scale mac1.metal instances horizontally
- Automatically allocate and release Dedicated Hosts needed for instances
- Automatically replace unhealthy instances
If you have worked with AWS before, you know that Auto Scaling Group service can solve such things.
Auto Scaling for macOS EC2 Instances
So how does all that work?
Let’s review the diagram that illustrates the interconnection between involved services:

Services logical interconnection
With the help of Licence Manager service and Launch Templates, you can set up EC2 Auto Scaling Group for mac1.metal and leave the automated instance provisioning to the service.
License Configuration
First, you need to create a License Configuration so that the Host resource group can allocate the hots.
Go to AWS License Manager -> Customer managed licenses -> Create customer-managed license.
Specify Sockets as the Licence type. You may skip setting the Number of Sockets. However, the actual limit of mac1.metal instances per account is regulated by Service Quota. The default number of mac instances allowed per account is 3. Therefore, consider increasing this to a more significant number.

Licence configuration values
Host resource group
Second, create the Host resource group: AWS License Manager -> Host resource groups -> Create host resource group.
When creating the Host resource group, check “Allocate hosts automatically” and “Release hosts automatically” but leave “Recover hosts automatically” unchecked. Dedicated Host does not support host recovery for mac1.metal. However, Auto Scaling Group will maintain the desired number of instances if one fails the health check (which assumes the case of host failure as well).
Also, I recommend specifying “mac1” as an allowed Instance family for the sake of transparent resource management: only this instance type is permitted to allocate hosts in the group.

Host resource group configuration values
Optionally, you may specify the license association here (the Host group will pick any compatible license) or select the license you created on step one.
Launch Template
Create Launch Template: EC2 -> Launch templates -> Create launch template.
I will skip the description of all Launch Template parameters (but here is a nice tutorial), if you don’t mind, and keep focus only on the items relevant to the current case.
Specify mac1.metal as the Instance type. Later, in Advanced details: find the Tenancy parameter and set it to “Dedicated host”; for Target host by select “Host resource group”, and once selected the new parameter Tenancy host resource group will appear where you should choose your host group; select your license in License configurations parameter.

Launch Template configuration values
Auto Scaling Group
Finally, create the Auto Scaling Group: EC2 -> Auto Scaling groups -> Create Auto Scaling group.
The vital thing to note here — is the availability of the mac1.metal instance in particular AZ.
Mac instances are available in us-east-1 and 7 more regions, but not every Availability Zone in the region supports it. So you must figure out which AZ supports the needed instance type.
There is no documentation for that, but there is an AWS CLI command that can answer this question: describe-instance-type-offerings — AWS CLI 2.3.0 Command Reference
Here is an example for the us-east-1 region:
Click here to see the code snippet
> aws ec2 describe-instance-type-offerings --location-type availability-zone-id --filters Name=instance-type,Values=mac1.metal --region us-east-1 --output text
INSTANCETYPEOFFERINGS mac1.metal use1-az6 availability-zone-id
INSTANCETYPEOFFERINGS mac1.metal use1-az4 availability-zone-id
Keep that nuance in mind when selecting a subnet for the mac1.metal instances.
When you know the AZ, specify the respective Subnet in the Auto Scaling Group settings, and you’re ready to go!
Bring Infrastructure as Code here
I suggest describing all that as a code. I prefer Terraform, and its AWS provider supports the needed resources. Except one.
As of October 2021, resources supported :
- aws_servicequotas_service_quota
- aws_licensemanager_license_configuration
- aws_launch_template
- aws_autoscaling_group
The Host resource group is not yet supported by the provider, unfortunately. However, we can use CloudFormation in Terraform to overcome that: describe the Host resource group as aws_cloudformation_stack Terraform resource using CloudFormation template from a file.
Here is how it looks like:
Click here to see the code snippet
resource "aws_licensemanager_license_configuration" "this" {
name = local.full_name
license_counting_type = "Socket"
resource "aws_cloudformation_stack" "this" {
name = local.full_name # the name of CloudFormation stack
template_body = file("${path.module}/resource-group-cf-stack-template.json")
parameters = {
GroupName = local.full_name # the name for the Host group, passed to CloudFormation template
on_failure = "DELETE"
And the next code snippet explains the CloudFromation template (which is the resource-group-cf-stack-template.json
file in the code snippet above)
Click here to see the code snippet
"Parameters" : {
"GroupName" : {
"Type" : "String",
"Description" : "The name of Host Group"
"Resources" : {
"DedicatedHostGroup": {
"Type": "AWS::ResourceGroups::Group",
"Properties": {
"Name": { "Ref": "GroupName" },
"Configuration": [
"Type": "AWS::ResourceGroups::Generic",
"Parameters": [
"Name": "allowed-resource-types",
"Values": ["AWS::EC2::Host"]
"Name": "deletion-protection",
"Values": ["UNLESS_EMPTY"]
"Type": "AWS::EC2::HostManagement",
"Parameters": [
"Name": "allowed-host-families",
"Values": ["mac1"]
"Name": "auto-allocate-host",
"Values": ["true"]
"Name": "auto-release-host",
"Values": ["true"]
"Name": "any-host-based-license-configuration",
"Values": ["true"]
"Outputs" : {
"ResourceGroupARN" : {
"Description": "ResourceGroupARN",
"Value" : { "Fn::GetAtt" : ["DedicatedHostGroup", "Arn"] }
The aws_cloudformation_stack
resource will export the DedicatedHostGroup
attribute (see the code of CloudFromation template), which you will use later in the Launch Template resource.
If you manage an AWS Organization, I have good news: Host groups and Licenses are supported by Resource Access Manager service.
Hence, you can host all mac instances in one account and share them with other accounts — it might be helpful for costs allocation, for example. Also, check out my blog about AWS RAM if you are very new to this service.
And you can leverage the aws_ec2_instance_type_offerings and aws_subnet_ids data sources to solve the “which AZ supports mac metal” puzzle.
Costs considerations
License Manager is a free of charge service, as well as Auto Scaling, and Launch Template.
So it’s all about the price for mac1.metal Dedicated Host which is $1.083 per hour as of October 2021. However, Saving Plans can be applied.
Please note that the minimum allocation time for that type of host is 24 hours. Maybe someday AWS will change that to 1-hour minimum someday (fingers crossed).
Oh. So. ASG.
The Auto Scaling for mac1.metal opens new possibilities for CI/CD: you can integrate that to your favorite tool (GitLab, Jenkins, whatsoever) using AWS Lambda and provision new instances when your development/testing environments need that.
Or you can use other cool ASG stuff, such as Lifecycle hooks, to create even more custom scenarios.
Also, I want to say thanks (thanks, pal!) to OliverKoo, who started digging into that back in April'21.